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How it Works


Sludge Reduction and Digester Cleaning done by Biological Augmentation.


Biological augmentation is not a new phenomenon and has been around for many years.  It has been used to speed up the rate of degradation of contaminants in various stages of wastewater treatment. Biological Augmentation, referred to as “bio-augmentation”, has been utilized in municipal wastewater treatment to restart various waste systems that have gone through shock, or have been upgraded with new systems. As commonly known, these approaches have been ineffective in some strata of the industry.


There are many different organisms’ resident in most wastewater systems, and those may already be capable of breaking down waste, but in most cases, they are inefficient, and results are accomplished very slowly.


Typically, bio-augmentation requires expensive studies of the various resident, or “indigenous” varieties of bacteria present. In some cases, the indigenous bacteria do not have the necessary metabolic capacity to perform the needed remediation process, and this makes it advantageous to include other, more efficient populations of bacteria and their supporting systems in order to accomplish efficient and cost-effective remediation.


Case studies have revealed positive outcomes from the introduction of the “Fermentation” method, such as increased digestion of organic solids and contaminants, as well as reduction in odors and toxicity.



Revive compositions were first introduced into the marketplace more than 40 years ago and used in wastewater operations in the Southwest United States, as well as oilfield-related remediation. The introduction of the composition contained a plate count of 1 billion active bacteria, as well as fungi, along with a resident enzyme system, making it highly effective.


In 2015, we upgraded the complex to a 4 billion plate count, retaining the unique constituent factors of the complex.  Revive complexes are placed in an aerated tank with a “matched” supplement, and the tank is filled with water. In this unique method, new-growth bacteria multiply at a consistent rate of 4,000,000,000 plate count, resulting in a return-on-investment of more than 83 to 1. In other words, every pound of Revive Complex placed in the fermenting tank multiplies to more than 83 pounds. This means that our clients receive 83 pounds of biological complexes for every pound they purchase. It also means that impressive results are achieved.

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Fermentation System


 How it Works  

In this art, bacteria and their constituent participants in the Revive compound multiply at aggressive rates, growing to 83 pounds for every pound “seeded” into the tank. As the bacteria are released into the wastewater environment, they digest organic material at an aggressive rate, burning the organic material as energy. As they digest the solid material, they “off-gas” in the form of harmless, odorless carbon dioxide.


 Feed Rates  

USA Sludge matches the feed-rate to the demand. This is best understood from the point-of-view of “Value-to Value”. In other words, we strive to seed a proper amount of Revive complex into the fermenting tank, and after a 24-hour period, begin releasing the solution into the waste stream, attempting to match the demand. Utilizing average flow, BOD, and sulfide levels, we match the feed-rate to the average demand. In this way, the averages work in our favor, and wastewater professionals are not bothered with cumbersome monitoring. 

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Placing a “Fermenting Tank” near the Digester assures that fermented Revive complexes are released into the Digester where they digest sludge more aggressively than the Digester can accomplish without the addition, resulting in increased Digester capacity, reduced de-watering at Presses, Centrifuges and Drying Beds.


Bio-Augmentation Cleaning 


Applied in a collection system for lift stations or to remediate persistent FOG, the Collections Professional can check the system on their regular schedule to make sure it is working as proposed and can communicate with the USA Sludge technical team to adjust, as needed.  The Revive System can be placed at certain critical points along the collection system.  The longer the enzymes have time to work the better job they can do cleaning the collection system.  This self containerized system requires only a 110 volt connection.  Water and nutrients need to be replenished every month.  This solution is many times more affordable than pumping wet wells or lift stations for removal of fats, oil, and greases.

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James Island Revive System


The James Island Public Service District (JIPSD) Wastewater Department is responsible for maintaining the public wastewater collection system, which serves; approximately 13,000 retail customers and one wholesale customer. The wastewater collection system consists of gravity pipelines, lift stations, and force mains conveying wastewater to Charleston Water System's Plum Island Treatment Plant. JIPSD's Wastewater Department maintains 67 lift stations that are part of a system that provides collection services to all wastewater areas of the island, including the Town of James Island, the City of Charleston, and 6 lift stations for the City of Folly Beach.

One of the main JIPSD problem stations for grease buildup was cleaned with a vacuum truck just prior to the commissioning of the Revive system. Since the placement of the self-contained unit at this location, the grease buildup in the wet well has been trace to minimal! To date, the "Revive" treatment has been outstanding for its odor control and grease mediation effectiveness, all while being a key factor in cost effectiveness.

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By the Numbers


Station 11 before start of the treatment average was145 PPM of H2S with a max of 313 PPM. After the treatment started the average reduced to 72 PPM with a max of 166 PPM over a 7 day period!


Station 33 before start of the treatment average was 335 PPM of H2S with a max of 369 PPM. After the treatment started the average reduced to 88 PPM with a max of 166 PPM over a 7 day period!

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