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STEP 1 PFAS Precipitation into Sludge


STEP 1 FAS Precipitation into Sludge


  • Bio-Clean is a U.S. made product that is an insoluble, proprietary blend of natural occurring elements, utilizing carbon bonded with oxygen.   This product will not have any chemical side effects and when matched with one of our rare earth catalysts will precipitate PFAS out of the water and bond the PFAS to the sludge in the aeration basin of any wastewater treatment plant. Bio-Clean can be used in any volume without any adverse effects on the treatment plant.  


  • The elements include Alkaline Earth Elements, Alkali Metals, Transition Metals, and Non-Metal Elements, including Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Carbon, Potassium, Iron and Oxygen. Also included are Chlorides, Sulfite and Fluoride in trace amounts.  The complexity of the composition creates attractions we haven’t seen in any other chemical or reagent.  The composition is so effective that some treatment plants have even eliminated their chemical treatments altogether.

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Precipitate or Drop PFAS out of the water or wastewater stream


Our PFAS or (Forever Chemicals) remediation process is a simple, continuous, addition of mineral compounds (Bio-Clean and a Rare Earth Lanthanide Solution) to the aeration basin or mixing chamber of any water and wastewater treatment plant. Combining these two solutions together in an aeration basin or mixing tank will precipitate PFAS/PFOS out of the water or wastewater and into the sludge. Lanthanides are so far down on the periodic element chart that their inherent qualities are more powerful than any other "safe" elements found in nature. 


✅  Improves settling

✅  Settles scum, filamentous bacteria, algae, grease, and foam

✅  Reduces BOD, TSS and SVI

✅  Improves DO

✅  Reduces Dewatering costs

✅  Stabilizes sludge blankets

✅  Reduces washouts

✅  Increases sludge density without packing

✅  Natural, safe, and efficient

Jar Testing


A jar test with our Bio-Clean System is designed to determine the most beneficial combination of Bio-Clean/Catalyst for a particular facility. To determine this, we set up several 1,000 ml beakers, using one as a Control, and utilizing the remaining beakers to apply differing combinations of Bio-Clean and its catalysts. After stirring the beakers, we allow them to settle for 30 minutes, keeping notes pertaining to level of settling and quality of supernatant, as you would in a typical settleometer test. This allows us to determine which combination and ratio will improve the situation in the most advantageous and cost-effective manner. When we say “the ratio,” we’re referring to the amount of catalyst to be fed per pound of Bio-Clean fed. For example, a 1 to 1 ratio means that for every pound of Bio-Clean you feed, you also feed 34.6 ml’s of catalyst. Rounding up to 35 ml’s is acceptable.

In a world where typical chemical treatments may require over 100 ppm to perform successfully, Bio-Clean is quite unique because it was designed to work effectively at a rate of 1 ppm for every 1,000 MLSS, in 1 MGD flow. In other words, a common feed-rate for a Plant with 1 MGD flow and 1,000 MLSS would be 8.34 pounds of Bio- Clean, along with a seemingly insignificant amount of the Bio-Clean catalyst. It is important to keep in mind that, because of Bio-Clean’s insoluble nature, feed-rates are determined by utilizing the molecular weight of the composition and not in traditional ways.


This allows for decreased application rates into the waste stream while producing extremely efficient results. This typically results in lower costs compared with traditional chemical applications. History also shows that proposed upgrades can sometimes be set-back for a time, since the Bio- Clean system increases capacity of existing projects. 


When Bio-Clean is introduced, it begins to flocculate, and continues active wherever it experiences turbulence, until it is finally wasted out of the Plant. For example, in a typical operation without Bio-Clean, when the sludge is returned from secondary clarification, the floc normally shears and may be lost.  However, in cases where Bio-Clean is added, the sludge will re-floc repeatedly, even exponentially. It will continue to floc over and over until it is wasted from the Plant. This is because of Bio-Clean’s inherent “physical” qualities and not because of any biological traits. Because Bio-Clean doesn’t dissolve, and doesn’t ‘load-up,’ it can work as long as it is in the Plant, even becoming more efficient as time goes on. The Laws of Physics assure us of continuous and effective results. Because of this, we can expect our results in the Wastewater Plant to duplicate the results we experienced in the jar test.


The superiority of the Bio-Clean system is in its ability to report to the sludge and settle it to the blanket without creating dependency within the biological population of the Plant. It can be added in any volume without shocking the Plant, and then withdrawn from the Plant without shock. Even in cases where Bio-Clean has been used for an extended period, it can be withdrawn, and even eliminated from the regimen without upsetting the Plant.

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This is a remediation of PFAS chemicals from a wastewater treatment facility in 2021 using our patent-pending process. This system DOES NOT USE A FILTER

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This Treatment Plant had very high levels of PFAS due to the processing of
landfill leachate.

The average removal of PFAS chemicals after treatment was 90%. This was
achieved by adding the minimal amount of our Product. Adding more Product
will increase the remediation results.


For every 1 Million Gallons a day of influent
Add 30 lbs. of Bio-Clean to Aeration Basin


Add 1 gallon of Lanthanide Solution

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